Lead-Free Plumbing Valves
Lead-Free Plumbing Valves All Cash Acme products manufactured for potable water applications are made with lead-free materials in accordance with U.S. Safe Water Drinking Act (SWDA). The SWDA requires that water systems be regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that lead levels in drinking water remain below the established action level of 0.015 mg/L. With water safety a top concern, the bulk of Cash Acme’s valves and products for non-potable applications are also manufactured to be entirely lead-free. Browse our lead-free Thermostatic Mixing Valves and Pressure Regulating Valves.
Learn more about the Lead and Copper Rule and the SWDA.
Lead Poisoning Effects & Prevention
Lead poisoning can have serious negative health consequences, especially in children under the age of 6. Lead in a child’s bloodstream affects the central nervous system, which can result in slowed growth, speech and hearing impairment, and learning deficits. Adults with lead poisoning may suffer from kidney problems or high blood pressure.
While the most common cause of lead poisoning is lead paint found in homes built before 1978, lead in plumbing systems, such as those that contain leaded solder or lead pipes, can also pose a risk of water contamination if corroded. You cannot see, smell, or taste lead in tap water, so the only way to know that your drinking water is lead-free is to ask your water provider for this information.
Learn more about lead-contamination and how to reduce the risk of lead poisoning here.